Today I discovered a song that really touched me and spoke to me…”Holy As the Day Is Spent”. The concept of the song is that holiness and sacredness are woven into each little moment of our days. According to the song, it could be anything from folding laundry to watching a dog dreaming.
And it’s so true, isn’t it? Throughout each moment of our day, little miracles, sacred pauses, and holy insights occur. And it isn’t just about the “good” stuff either. The moments that are less than welcomed also fall into the holy times if viewed through a spiritual perspective. These are the moments we grow, we change, we allow ourselves to go beyond what we believed we were capable of, and thus, create a new life. And some moments are neither “good” nor “bad” they just are! This is when we do the seemingly mundane tasks of our lives such as washing dishes, vacuuming, or cleaning the bathroom. As Ram Dass called it, “chopping wood and carrying water”! Often in these moments our minds are free from thoughts and AHA’s can come rushing in to fill that space.
Ram Dass |
Every single one of these daily moments has the potential to be holy if we allow it. If we can keep our focus on the moment, let go of worry, and fully engage in the experience of NOW, this holiness can carry us through each and every day.
When I heard this song, I thought about my day today. It began with me receiving a massage. Now there’s a holy experience, especially when performed by the special lady that I was with! Next, a visit to a friend who’s just had surgery. After that I came home and had to handle some family issues. This was less than pleasant, but I am learning from this situation. I jumped on my mower and mowed my acre of yard….it was so cool and pleasant compared to the hot temperatures we have been having, and I saw all manner of birds, dragonflies, bees, trees and other creations of nature just waiting to welcome and bless me! Later, my son and grandsons came over for dinner and to watch a Sponge Bob thing and life is always a blessing with them around.
Even though the day was not “perfect” by some standards, it was perfectly mine. I will remind myself anew to embrace each moment of life as a sacred experience so that at day’s end I will know it was “holy as the day is spent”.
For your enjoyment, here is the link for the song:
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